Christopher Ranch was founded on 10 acres of garlic in the year 1956 by company patriarch Don Christopher
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re here, then we know you’re every bit as passionate about American Garlic growers and fresh produce as we are.We’re proud of our multi-generational family-farm story, so we’ve put together a collection of common questions about our family, our farm, and of course, our California Heirloom Garlic.
Yes! 3 generations of the Christopher family all play active roles in the running of the Ranch. To learn more about the Christopher’s and their respective roles in the nations largest garlic company, click here to explore.
Don Christopher co-founded the Gilroy Garlic Festival in 1979, and ever since then the Christopher family has supplied all of the garlic for the millions of attendees who have come ever since.
The Christopher family’s love of community is anchored in corporate social responsibility.
Supporting education and youth in our community
The Monterey Zoo and their majestic elephants
Christopher Ranch can be found in the southernmost part of Santa Clara County. Since 1956 we’ve been proud to call Gilroy our home.
Christopher Ranch has satellite distribution centers strategically located throughout the country. While all Christopher Ranch products originate in Gilroy, these warehouses give us the ability to get the freshest garlic products to you and your family. Our distribution centers are located in greater Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and Miami.
Any given day, we will be producing hundreds of thousands of pounds of fresh garlic, cracked garlic, peeled garlic, and roasted garlic. To learn more about our processing capabilities, click here.
Christopher Ranch is the largest employer in Gilroy, CA, and has a full-time workforce of 1,000. Our key employees have many diverse roles, and include quality control specialists, fork-lift drivers, field operatives, technicians, food safety specialists, and administrative staff.
The Ranch has set the gold standard when it comes to its commitment to education in our community. Whether it’s investments in classroom technology, scholarships, to providing land and funding to launch critical infrastructure, Christopher Ranch has made corporate social responsibility the cornerstone of its mission. When it comes to our people, Christopher Ranch has likewise led the way by offering one of the nations highest corporate minimum wages. When consumers pick Christopher Ranch garlic, they’re choosing to invest in a company that believes in its people, process, and community. To learn more about our efforts to better our community, please click here.
1-2 teaspoons (1 tsp of chopped garlic, 2 tsp of minced garlic in water)
9 months, just like a baby!
A single clove of garlic is used as the seed
California! Garlic needs a Mediterranean climate for ideal growth, including cold winter nights followed by hot spring and summer days.
We distribute to grocery stores, restaurants, and wholesalers nationwide. Feel free to send us a note with your zip code, and we’ll try our best to identify the retailer nearest you that carries our garlic!
“I love Christopher Ranch Garlic!!!
I have been using your product for over 25 years”- Yvette